Integrations are the easiest way to connect your devices to an applications. An integration uses the same APIs or SDKs an application could use directly. Together with the private or public APIs of the platform it ties up the application running on the platform with The Things Network:
Platform Integrations are full integrations with external IoT platforms to synchronize the device registry and uplink and downlink data, so you don’t need to write code or use The Things Network Console. External IoT platform are for example Azure IoT Hub, AWS IoT and IBM Watson IoT, where the user manages application and devices while the integration process takes care of synchronizing with The Things Network.
A common integration is to forward messages to some webhook or other messaging endpoint (uplink messages). For these situations we provide a set of messaging integrations which act as a bridge between the Handler Data API and any endpoint you configure. It also provides you with an endpoint to send messages back to devices (downlink messages). Easy to configure and use is the HTTP Integration.
For some messaging integrations we provide a configuration template. Instead of manually configuring the HTTP Integration, we ask you only for variables like a platform key and generate the configuration for you.
Click to select the integration you’d like to add:
Configure the integration (if there are any settings):
Depending on the integration, there might be more options to set. See the guide for the integration for details.